100's Using Water to Improve Gas Mileage by Changing Water to Gas

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100's Using Water to Improve Gas Mileage by Changing Water To Gas

The use of water to improve gas mileage by converting water to gas is a new technology That is still being improved so that everyone can convert there car to save on gas .With simple tools and our kit even a child can do it the technology used to modify your Car to save gas is done by using hydrogen don't worry you don’t need to be a scientist to do this. The device will extract the hydrogen from the water through a process called electrolysis the .Hydrogen is then created and is burned as fuel. It burns clean and does not produce byproducts expect water. Therefore it is a lot better to the environment

Turning water to gas holds a lot of benefits over using normal fuels.By using water to improve gas mileage you will get a big 50% increase in fuel mileage.Saving you A LOT of money every month on fuel.Hyrdrogen is 2.5 times more energy then gasonline so its far more efficient then a normal combustion engine. You will be saving your money and the environment.

Information on the Internet can teach you how to modify your car to save gas using water. It is important when seeking information on how to modify your car to save gas using water that you research and evaluate the source of the information given and choose only the sources that have valid information proven to produce proper results. There are any number of water to gas scam artists on the web passing off inadequate information and devices that are less than ideal to perform as well as authentic quality hydrogen generators. To complicate matters, there are many skeptics who claim that hydrogen generators and converting water to gas is a scam and are only designed to take your money. There are many trolls and debunkers on Internet forums who counter any positive information regarding hydrogen generators and converting water to gas, giving false information. They are the water to gas scam artists themselves, and it is important to learn to recognize them and disregard the rhetoric they use to disqualify important valid information regarding this much-needed technology.

The hydrogen generator can be installed on either cars, trucks or vans. By installing a hydrogen generator, whether made by your self or one that has already been designed and packaged for you, and converting water to gas, you will soon notice the difference in the efficiency of your car engine and the money savings benefit in your wallet

Click Here! To learn more and to start saving on Gas!

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What You Should Do If You Get Water In Your Gas Tank

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Have you ever gone to a gas station and put gas in your tank but were not aware that there was water in the gas? Well, you would not know if any water has been put into your gas tank until your car starts to seriously act up and especially when you are going uphill. Trust me, I have been through that horrible mess before, and it was a very tiring and horrible experience.

My friend and I were late that morning. It can mess up your tank and your car. It was like that for days and days. It got to the point when I was so aggravated that I wanted to blow up my car. Do you know what it feels like to be in a car that has water in the tank? It feels like you are being pulled back and forth while you are going very slow. Then, your car suddenly stops in the middle of the road.

I stopped at another gas station, and a guy told my friend and me to put rubbing alcohol in my gas tank. According to this man, putting rubbing alcohol into my tank will help my car go back to its normal driving condition. Alcohol supposedly takes the water, evaporates it, and even cleans your gas. Although I was very reluctant because I worried that the rubbing alcohol would do more damage to my car than good, I took his advice and put alcohol in it.

To my surprise, it worked! The rubbing alcohol took the water right out. However, in some cases, this will not work, and you would need to get your gas tank changed. A lot of water in your gas tank or in you engine can be very bad. It will cause your car to stall and even to die. You will have some serious car issues. A car can run on water only if you have a water system in it. These cars are made specifically to run on both water and gas. As technology improves, so do advances in technology that involve cars and using water as fuel.

When water gets in the gas it goes into the engine and makes the car sputter and choke. So make sure you ask the person that is running the store if there is water in the gas. If they don't know just remember to have some rubbing alcohol in you car just in case it happens to you.
Aydan Corkern is a writer of many topics, visit some of her sites, like Water Damage Restoration and Document Drying.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cars-articles/what-you-should-do-if-you-get-water-in-your-gas-tank-571971.html
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Turning Water Into Gas - Can it Happen, and If So, How Does it Work?

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Turning water into gas is not a reality and cannot happen. But before you think "yep, I knew it, this whole water for gas thing is a big scam," hear me out. This technology does work, and works very well, but you have to understand HOW it works.

When you use this technology, you are not turning water into gas, but rather into fuel. To fuel a vehicle is to power a vehicle, and this is achieved through a hybrid of water and gasoline. The hydrogen that is in the water combines with traditional gasoline to make a compound that goes by a number of different names, such as HHO gas, Brown gas, and Brown's gas. (the term Brown comes from the inventor Yull Brown, who developed the technology)

When you use HHO in your car, (turning water into gas, if you will) you will see major savings in what you spend on gas each month. People who have installed water gas kits on their cars see their miles per gallon double. But there are other benefits as well. The engine in your car will have a lot more power, because the water will cool the engine down, and a cooler motor puts out more horsepower. Also, turning water into gas is a big benefit for those looking to help our environment, because the emissions that come from the tailpipe are much cleaner than those coming from a traditional setup. And finally, you will not only save money on fuel by turning water into gas, but you will also save money on taxes, since you will be driving a hybrid.

Turning water into gas is the best way to potentially save hundreds of dollars each month on fuel. Go to http://www.adviceforsavinggas.com for a closer look at how to do it

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Run Your Car On Water Review - Discover The Truth

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Last week average gas price peaked at a new record. Moreover, experts say that prices will still go up. But is there any design of this problem? Can we spend less money and lessen gas consumption? The answer is yes. Scientists have invented a technology which can make your dreams a reality.

The technology is called run your car on water because it allows you to use less gas by running your car on hydrogen which is generated from water. Using this technology you can go on long miles with the help of the water.

This technology is very simple. System, installed in your car, breaks the waters' element which is represented through H20 into in its original form which is HHO, which is used as an addition to gas.

Authors of this technology claim that it will help you to lessen gas consumption by 40%. Moreover, this technology is completely safe for environment and is already used in many modern hybrid cars. However it is possible to convert your car into water hybrid so you don't have to buy a new car. The biggest advantage of this technology is that it is very affordable and everyone can use it. You don't need to have any special knowledges. Using blueprints and plans you will be able to install it in two hours.

If you are interested in run your car on water technology you can learn more about it by visiting the link below. Thank you for reading this article. Good luck.

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