Water as Gas, Full of Salty Possibilities

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When the water as supplement for gasoline was released in the market, it immediately received public attention and interest. This is a totally good way of saving money on gas. Using water to gas conversion kits which is readily available for less than $100 was great break from the continuous and never stopping increase on the prices of gasoline.

It opened a great door for possibilities of discovering other alternative fuel that would help the almost empty purses to stay within the budget for gas and other necessities.

Then came the invention created by a 63-year old named John Kanzius that claims to create a source of alternative fuel from salt water. Kanzius discovered that under right conditions, salt water can burn at high temperature. Diagnosed with leukaemia in 2003, he decided to try to invent a better alternative for destroying cancerous cells in the body. He came up with the radio frequency generator, it is a machine that generates radio waves and focuses them into a concentrated area destroying the tumors without harming normal cells.

While conducting a demonstrations, an observer noticed that the RFG was causing water in a nearby test tube to condense. Thinking that if the RFG could make water condense, maybe it could also separate salt out of seawater. An effective means of removing salt out of seawater could save lives especially in the countries that are dying because of thirst. Kanzius then used his RFG with the goal of desalinization of salt water. During the first test, the water in the test tube sparked.

On the second trial, he lighted a paper towel and touched it to the water while the RFG is pointing to the water. The test tube ignited and continued to be aflame while the RFG is turned towards the test tube. Several universities tried to do the same test to prove if it could be hoax, but the same result happened. The salt water in the test tube ignited and remained ignited while the RFG is pointed to it.

But should we be worried? Since the world is 70% saltwater, it is probable that seas would suddenly be aflame because of a cigarette butt thrown to the sea? The radio waves from Kanzius RFG disrupt the stability of water, therefore releasing the hydrogen molecules. The heat coming from the RFG ignited them and it burned.

So is it possible to run our cars using salt water instead of gasoline? Back in 200, Hydrogen Technology Applications introduced the Aquygen.

Aquygen is a gas made up of hydrogen separated from water using electrical shock. This gas when mixed with regular hydrogen is said to create a more efficient fuel than gasoline alone (from www.howstuffworks.com). So could this have paved the way for the Kanzius discovery? Will salt water be used as ordinary water. Upon Kanzius assertions points out, that creating fire and fuel from salt water is possible. But separating hydrogen, oxygen, sodium and chloride is needed to be done first. Then sodium will then be burned. However, this process would consume much more energy that the energy that this produces.

The beauty with science is that it’s a never ending world of possibilities. What could be impossible today may be possible in the future. In the past, using water to run cars seems to be impossible. So who says that we should close our doors for salt water as alternative fuel?
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Products That You Can Use To Convert Water to Gas

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There are currently thee popular products that you can choose from to convert water to gas. Each varies in terms of price and the freebies you get but all of these use the same principle to make it work.

This principle is achieved by converting water to gas which produces HHO or two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen that is better known as hydroxy or Brown’s gas. Perhaps the best part is that you only have to put in a quart of tap water that already provides 1800 gallons of HHO that will last for months!

These three products are namely Gas4Free, Run Water On Your Car and WaterCarPro. When you decide to get it, you download an e-book which will explain to you how to assemble the product. The materials can be purchased from the hardware store and since it has detailed instructions, you don’t need to hire someone to do it for you.

This can work for all kinds of vehicles from small cars to trucks except for hybrids since no tests have been done yet.

The three installation kits are all written in English but Gas4Free has made this available in other languages as well. Most of these have product updates so if there is new information, this will be passed on to you.

The cost of the three products is from $47 to $297. This does not yet include the price of the materials but all three say that you can get a return on your investment in less than 2 months because of the amount of money you save from no longer going to the gas station that often.

You will also be able to get tax breaks from the government because the IRS or the internal revenue service encourages consumers to invest in renewable energy sources like the use of hybrid vehicles instead of the ordinary gas or diesel powered vehicle.

Will installing the water to gas conversion kit have any effect on the warranty of your vehicle? The answer is no but if you are concerned that this could cause you any problems, you can easily remove it before you bring the vehicle to the shop and just reinstall it later.

If you are happy with the water to gas conversion kit from one of three products mentioned, you can install in your other vehicles. You can even be the helpful neighbor by doing the same thing for them.

You can purchase the e-book online and then pay for this using your credit card or PayPal account. You have two months to try it out and if you are not happy, you will be able to get a full refund.

Converting water to gas is growing because the price of oil has gone up in recent months. If you still want to keep you SUV instead of trading this in for a smaller car, this is the miracle you have been praying for.

The first time water was used to power a community was the hydroelectric power plant. Years later, other industries were able to use this on a smaller scale so it won’t be long before the automobile industry does the same. So, if you want to save money and do your share to protect the environment, invest in a system that converts water to gas.

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