100's Using Water to Improve Gas Mileage by Changing Water to Gas
100's Using Water to Improve Gas Mileage by Changing Water To Gas
The use of water to improve gas mileage by converting water to gas is a new technology That is still being improved so that everyone can convert there car to save on gas .With simple tools and our kit even a child can do it the technology used to modify your Car to save gas is done by using hydrogen don't worry you don’t need to be a scientist to do this. The device will extract the hydrogen from the water through a process called electrolysis the .Hydrogen is then created and is burned as fuel. It burns clean and does not produce byproducts expect water. Therefore it is a lot better to the environment
Turning water to gas holds a lot of benefits over using normal fuels.By using water to improve gas mileage you will get a big 50% increase in fuel mileage.Saving you A LOT of money every month on fuel.Hyrdrogen is 2.5 times more energy then gasonline so its far more efficient then a normal combustion engine. You will be saving your money and the environment.
Information on the Internet can teach you how to modify your car to save gas using water. It is important when seeking information on how to modify your car to save gas using water that you research and evaluate the source of the information given and choose only the sources that have valid information proven to produce proper results. There are any number of water to gas scam artists on the web passing off inadequate information and devices that are less than ideal to perform as well as authentic quality hydrogen generators. To complicate matters, there are many skeptics who claim that hydrogen generators and converting water to gas is a scam and are only designed to take your money. There are many trolls and debunkers on Internet forums who counter any positive information regarding hydrogen generators and converting water to gas, giving false information. They are the water to gas scam artists themselves, and it is important to learn to recognize them and disregard the rhetoric they use to disqualify important valid information regarding this much-needed technology.
The hydrogen generator can be installed on either cars, trucks or vans. By installing a hydrogen generator, whether made by your self or one that has already been designed and packaged for you, and converting water to gas, you will soon notice the difference in the efficiency of your car engine and the money savings benefit in your wallet
Click Here! To learn more and to start saving on Gas!
What You Should Do If You Get Water In Your Gas Tank
My friend and I were late that morning. It can mess up your tank and your car. It was like that for days and days. It got to the point when I was so aggravated that I wanted to blow up my car. Do you know what it feels like to be in a car that has water in the tank? It feels like you are being pulled back and forth while you are going very slow. Then, your car suddenly stops in the middle of the road.
I stopped at another gas station, and a guy told my friend and me to put rubbing alcohol in my gas tank. According to this man, putting rubbing alcohol into my tank will help my car go back to its normal driving condition. Alcohol supposedly takes the water, evaporates it, and even cleans your gas. Although I was very reluctant because I worried that the rubbing alcohol would do more damage to my car than good, I took his advice and put alcohol in it.
To my surprise, it worked! The rubbing alcohol took the water right out. However, in some cases, this will not work, and you would need to get your gas tank changed. A lot of water in your gas tank or in you engine can be very bad. It will cause your car to stall and even to die. You will have some serious car issues. A car can run on water only if you have a water system in it. These cars are made specifically to run on both water and gas. As technology improves, so do advances in technology that involve cars and using water as fuel.
When water gets in the gas it goes into the engine and makes the car sputter and choke. So make sure you ask the person that is running the store if there is water in the gas. If they don't know just remember to have some rubbing alcohol in you car just in case it happens to you.
Aydan Corkern is a writer of many topics, visit some of her sites, like Water Damage Restoration and Document Drying.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cars-articles/what-you-should-do-if-you-get-water-in-your-gas-tank-571971.html
Turning Water Into Gas - Can it Happen, and If So, How Does it Work?
Turning water into gas is not a reality and cannot happen. But before you think "yep, I knew it, this whole water for gas thing is a big scam," hear me out. This technology does work, and works very well, but you have to understand HOW it works.
When you use this technology, you are not turning water into gas, but rather into fuel. To fuel a vehicle is to power a vehicle, and this is achieved through a hybrid of water and gasoline. The hydrogen that is in the water combines with traditional gasoline to make a compound that goes by a number of different names, such as HHO gas, Brown gas, and Brown's gas. (the term Brown comes from the inventor Yull Brown, who developed the technology)
When you use HHO in your car, (turning water into gas, if you will) you will see major savings in what you spend on gas each month. People who have installed water gas kits on their cars see their miles per gallon double. But there are other benefits as well. The engine in your car will have a lot more power, because the water will cool the engine down, and a cooler motor puts out more horsepower. Also, turning water into gas is a big benefit for those looking to help our environment, because the emissions that come from the tailpipe are much cleaner than those coming from a traditional setup. And finally, you will not only save money on fuel by turning water into gas, but you will also save money on taxes, since you will be driving a hybrid.
Turning water into gas is the best way to potentially save hundreds of dollars each month on fuel. Go to http://www.adviceforsavinggas.com for a closer look at how to do it
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Watson
Run Your Car On Water Review - Discover The Truth
Last week average gas price peaked at a new record. Moreover, experts say that prices will still go up. But is there any design of this problem? Can we spend less money and lessen gas consumption? The answer is yes. Scientists have invented a technology which can make your dreams a reality.
The technology is called run your car on water because it allows you to use less gas by running your car on hydrogen which is generated from water. Using this technology you can go on long miles with the help of the water.
This technology is very simple. System, installed in your car, breaks the waters' element which is represented through H20 into in its original form which is HHO, which is used as an addition to gas.
Authors of this technology claim that it will help you to lessen gas consumption by 40%. Moreover, this technology is completely safe for environment and is already used in many modern hybrid cars. However it is possible to convert your car into water hybrid so you don't have to buy a new car. The biggest advantage of this technology is that it is very affordable and everyone can use it. You don't need to have any special knowledges. Using blueprints and plans you will be able to install it in two hours.
If you are interested in run your car on water technology you can learn more about it by visiting the link below. Thank you for reading this article. Good luck.
Money Saver, Using Water to Improve Your Gas Mileage
As we all know, if we can improve our vehicle’s gas mileage that means we can save money. Let’s face the fact that gas prices are skyrocketing. Most of Americans are paying $4 for each gallon, while in the international market it would cost as much as $6 for each gallon. There would be the old techniques to save gas and the new technology (called water to gas engines) that will save our money from the pump.
We know that if there are traditional ways to achieve better mileage. Like if we change some of our driving habits such as accelerating slowly, keeping a good distance (so you don't have to break and again accelerate), running on a constant speed and not driving faster then 65mph - 120km/h, then definitely we’ll be getting better mileage out of our cars.
Making sure the tires are well inflated will also help in improving gas mileage. Wheel alignment is also important, since an improper alignment can add to the wear the tires are experiencing which is unnecessary. Having a regular car tuning up will also help. Replacing your old air, with a new filter can reduce fuel consumption up to 10%.
Using public transportation and sharing a ride through carpools, vanpools and mass transit are also good ways to conserve gasoline and energy. It even reduces air pollution and traffic congestion. By following these basic maintenance guidelines, there will be a cut back on the amount of fuel your car needs.
But there is another way to attain better mileage. Do you know that by converting you car to run on water to supplement gas, mileage doesn’t just double; it can increase up to 40%! It even produces cleaner emission and the car becomes more fuel efficient.
With this technology it doesn’t mean that you will be putting water to your gas tank. With water-to-gas-engines, you will be installing Hydrogen generators that will separate water into a gas called HHO (also called Brown’s Gas or Hydroxy) which burns smoothly and produces significant energy. Water then can be used to fuel a car as a supplement to gasoline. As a matter of fact, you can just use ordinary tap water while other water for gas conversion kit needs distilled water. Very little amount of water is needed, one quart of water can provide up to 1800 gallons of HHO gas which can last for months. Some water for gas conversion kits, like, Water4Gas, would just require that you put in ½ cup of distilled water weekly or 3 cups of distilled water for 3-6 weeks. The water-gas conversion kit can cost around $60- $150. This would definitely increase you car’s fuel competency and save money.
Not only are these kits gas saving devices, but it turns out that it does a lot more. These conversion kits are said to produce a smoother running engine. With an ordinary vehicle running on gas, about 20-25% of gas is lost to carbon deposits and beat. But with water-gas conversion kits, the engine is being steam cleaned everyday, making the engine run smoother and quieter, even with a longer life.
These are just some ways to improve your gas mileage. It could be changing our driving habits and our car maintenance routine or it could be the revolutionary means of upgrading or car engine to use water to supplement gas. But bottom line is that gas prices are increasing everyday and people changing cars to vehicles that use less gasoline.
If you want to save but find it to expensive to buy a hybrid car, then there are ways to improve your vehicle’s mileage. Even the smallest improvement can result to big savings every year.
Ultimate Gas Savers: Run Your Car by Using Water and Other Alternatives
Good News: You just bought a new car.
Bad News: Gas Prices are increasing day by day. There would come a time that you will surpass the amount that you paid for your car for all the gasoline costs. This will just be in a matter of months.
Solution: Alternative fuel
To put a solution to your problem, water to gas conversion kits are readily available in the market. They claimed to provide better mileage than that of ordinary gasoline. It is very much inexpensive and easy to install.
Different company players for the water to gas industry are providing easy step by step installation guides to assist in installing this water to gas converter in your car engines. After installing it, it does not mean that water will totally replace gas as means of fuel. Water would be a supplement to gasoline. You just have to make sure that you are putting in ½ cup of water weekly 3 cups of distilled or tap water within 3-6 weeks in the quart-sized container under the hood of your car. Just don’t forget to put the catalyst which is baking soda also in the said container. Pronto! What you have is a car that runs on water and gas.
This is not the first time that water was tried or used for an alternative fuel. Alternative fuels are also known as non-conventional fuels. They are materials or substances that can be used as a fuel aside from the usual fuel that we used like petroleum, coal, propane and natural gas. Several sources of alternative fuel are the renewable energy that comes from wind power, solar power, tidal power, geothermal power and hydropower. Biomass, which is the energy coming from living and recently dead biological material, serves also as a source of alternative fuel.
Naturally, when gasoline prices rise up, people think of alternative fuel source. There would be cars that run natural gas or NGV. It is fuel efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership. Electric vehicles (EV) are powered by fuel cells. While hybrid cars uses two or more distinct power source to propel the vehicle. A mo-ped (motorized pedal bike) can be classified as a hybrid vehicle since it combines the power of a gasoline engine and the pedal power of the rider.
There are also flexible fuel vehicles or FFVs.
They are capable of operating on gasoline, E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) or even a mixture of both. Flexible fuel vehicles contain one duelling system which is made up of ethanol compatible components. Propane, also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), has been used in vehicles since 1920. There are dedicated propane vehicles designed to run only on propane. While there are bi-propane vehicles. These vehicles have two separate fuelling systems that enable the vehicle to use either propane or gasoline.
Propane powered engines are said to have a life of up to two times that of gasoline powered engines. Lower maintenance costs are also prime reason behind propane’s popularity.
There are lost of alternative fuel choices in the market. It could be using the water to gas conversion system that does not require you to change your engine or overhauling your whole vehicle to make way for a hybrid car. Main thing is we choose something that is suitable for our needs and meets our objectives and standards.
Water to Gas is it Fact or Fiction?
A lot has been said about the revolutionary process of making vehicles run on water instead of purely gasoline fuel, which has led to a lot of hubris whether it is actually truu or just a figment of one person’s twisted imagination?
Sounds too good to be true, right? But in reality, water is actually a good source of energy, which if processed properly and it’s energy channeled correctly, is actually a better alternative to petroleum products like gasoline and other forms of fuel.
Although it may still be considered rocket science to actually make the most out of water, but one fact remains about how water can be used for fuel – not water per se, but one of water’s vital elements, which is hydrogen.
The atomic substance that is hydrogen is the leading alternative to conventional petroleum-based fuel.
For now, among the most common operational processes by water to gas, are fuel-saving devices that primarily extract a form of mixed hydrogen and oxygen gas called Brown’s Gas or HHO into the vehicles fuel injection system.
This enriched mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, also called oxyhydrogen, is mixed with gasoline, causing both substances to chemically bond together molecularly and magnetically.
This combination, according to experts, results to better fuel economy and increases mileage per gallon by as much as 25%-50%, depending on the vehicle’s engine make-up and condition.
These gas-saving devices can also increase in engine power, since less pressure is exerted on the accelerator pedal to speed up the engine, thus reducing the amount of gas used to fuel the engine.
Since the oxyhydrogen mixture burns cleaner and more completely, thus it processes more efficiently and maximizes engine power. It also cleans up carbon deposits in the engine and prevents future build-up of carbon.
It can also be environmentally friendly since exhaust emissions are greatly reduced by the oxyhydrogen burning process.
Due to the cooling nature of oxygen and hydrogen, the temperature in the combustion chamber drops slightly, efficiently enhancing fuel combustion and quicker flame spread ratio.
But many are still wondering if the water to gas idea is indeed true or a scam? Surely not, since the technology has been there long enough for others to work on better solutions to harness that potential to replace petroleum with water-based fuel.
Yes, water to gas is true, but for now the system or process of solely using water to fuel vehicles using hydrogen is still not perfected for commercial vehicles, since studies and science is still trying to master the process of extracting hydrogen on a portable and small-scale process, since the current process is very expensive and requires a lot of equipment.
But of course, with the interest attracted by water to gas systems, scams would still abound, since this system is a potential concept that could easily convince unwary individuals to fall prey to misleading schemes.
So, many would still be advised to be wary of such scams perpetrated by unscrupulous individuals.
B that as it may, the technology of water to gas is an innovative temporary yet beneficial answer to call of the times in addressing the common problem of skyrocketing fuel prices, which, eventually, will lead the way to develop cheaper and alternative sources to fuel, especially one that can be good and sustainable for the environment.
Converting Water to Gas Is Possible
One product that can make this happen is called WaterCarPro. By downloading the ebook from their site and buying the materials from the local hardware store, you will be able to enjoy huge savings which all translates to hundreds of dollars a month.
The e-book you get has detailed instructions which will guide you through the installation process. Everything is return in English so it is easy to understand and you can work on it in your own garage without having to call a mechanic or bringing the vehicle to a shop.
For people who have doubts about the system, you will be happy to know that this has been tested by a professional engineer to ensure that this is safe for the public. If you are still skeptical, the company challenges you to look online and read various reviews about their product.
The setup makes it possible to convert water into gas called HHO or hydroxy that improves the vehicle’s fuel economy.
The price for the ebook is $47 while the materials from the hardware store may range from $150 to $200. This doesn’t mean that your vehicle will run totally on water because it still needs to be supplemented with gas or diesel.
When you buy the system, you get free product updates from the manufacturer. For those who buy in the month of August, you get the two downloadable ebooks that aside from teaching you how to assemble the system will also tell you various ways to save money at the pump and tips which you should know when you are buying a car.
Aside from saving money by using this system, you will also be able to get tax incentives from the IRS. This can be $1,000 for an ordinary car and much more if you are driving an SUV or a truck when it is time for you to file your tax return.
You can still avail of your vehicle warranty because you can remove the system before bringing it to the shop and then put it back when it has been returned to you.
When you buy the ebook, there is no limit to the number of vehicles you can install this system. This means you can install the system to your other cars or even help a neighbor set it up in theirs.
If you are not happy with the product, you can get a full refund together with an additional $10. Just remember to include your return receipt number if you choose to pay using credit card and not through a PayPal account.
Converting water to gas is growing because it has also been used in other industries and it is only a matter of time that automobile makers will switch to this medium. After all, water is a renewable energy which is cleaner for the environment in a time when we are faced with climate change as a result of global warming.
What a Miracle! Changing Water to Gas
More and more people are getting intrigued by this technology. The main companies selling this system, would include in their package different parts to install on your car to be able to use water on your engine. They would include hydrogen generators or electrolyzers and other car parts. But is this really possible? Can water really be changed into a fuel supplement for gasoline that would enable your vehicle to run smoother?
With the water to gas technology, HHO, also called hydroxy or Brown’s gas is used to supplement its fuel. It doesn’t mean that you would have to put a water hose into your gas tank and use it as fuel. HHO is also called oxyhydrogen and contains a mixture of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). Chemist William Nicholson was the first person to decompose or separate water into its component gasses back in 1800s.
Oxyhydrogen will burn up when brought to its kindling point. Kindling point will be the lowest temperature wherein a substance will spontaneously ignite without the need for a spark or flame. When ignited, oxyhydrogen will convert into water vapour and then will release its energy.
This concept was applied on lights. Oxyhydrogen lamps, like the limelight, is using an oxyhydrogen flame to heat a piece of lime to give light. Another product is the oxyhydrogen torch. This torch is an oxy-gas torch. It burns hydrogen with oxygen. This equipment is used for cutting and welding metals, glass and thermoplastics. The flame begins a short distance from the tip of the torch; if the distance is great enough the torch tip can remain cool. Oxyhydrogen is also claimed to increase the efficiency in automotive engines. One liter of water is said to creat 1860 gallons of oxhydrogen.
So why use the name Brown’s gas for oxyhydrogen? Oxyhydrogen gas produced by a common-ducted electrolyzer has been referred to to as Brown’s Gas. It was named after Yull Brown who received a patent for a series cell common ducted electrolyzer made in 1977 and 1978. Actually, Brown’s gas is not used in his patents, the gas produced has been referred to “ a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen”. Brown's Gas also claims that it can be used for the following applications although further research may be required:
1.Air conditioning and cooling
2. Atmospheric motors
3. Cleansing of smokestack
4. Coal to Oil conversion
5. Curing
6. Deep-sea life support
7. Destruction of toxic wastes
8. Drying of fruit and legumes
9. Fuel Cell
10. Glazing and Kiln operation
11. Graphite production
12. Heating
13. Hydrogen production
14. Mineral separation
15. Nuclear waste decontamination
16. Ore separation
17. Oxygen production
18. Production of hard materials
19. Production of electricity
20. Pure water production
21. Silica conversion
22. Space life support
23. Underwater welding
24. Vacuum systems
25. Water pumps
26. Welding and brazing
There could numerous ways this water to gas technology can be used. Numerous ways that could make our lifestyle more efficient and less costly. But the road to discovery is a very hard road. It took decades before this technology was made available for us. Hopefully, it would take that long too just to be able to prove and provide other ways to use and benefit from this technology.
Water the New Gas
This is a great technology given that we are trapped in the midst ever rising prices of gasoline. This technology provided us relief from the crisis that is breaking our back.
So with this new discovery, would water be the next oil? There are people who see water as a future commodity. Therefore it could be as profitable in the same prospect as oil. There are people who sees that the diminishing certain water bodies is similar to the depletion of oil reserves. While there are some environmentalists that see environmental abuse of water the same as the abuse and waste of oil. Even if 70% of Earth is covered with water, only 3% is fit for human consumption. With this 3%, 2/3 if this is frozen and largely glaciers and ice caps. Only 1% then will be available for human use. The rest of 97% is sea water which is not fit for drinking nor for agriculture.
The world is facing an oil crisis, we are facing the exhaustion of oil reserves. Water is slowly experiencing the same kind of exploitation. Water bodies are being contaminated and polluted by various industrial plants. Water bodies are drying up in certain nation, resulting into thirst and drought. Ironically, the uncontrolled use of oil and other fuel is ensuing into water crisis. Burning of fossil fuels led to global warming, the melting of glaciers and early snowmelts. It also led into climate changes that brought too much rain some places and little in other locations.
Water is becoming a very hot- commodity. It even snagged attention of the big equipment companies like General Electric. Water markets include driking water distribution, management, waste treatment and agriculture. It is nearly a $500 billion market and is growing very fast. Another company who sees big potential in water-related businesses would be the Zurich –based Sustainable Asset Management. Japanese- Dutch consulting firm Japan Insite is putting together an 80 million Euro water fund.
But privatizing water is colliding with global “water is human right movement”. Because water is essential for human life, its distribution should be made readily available for the public and not just for those who can afford water. The poorest might not even have safe drinking water if the water would be privatized, as the water warriors would say. Drinking water would become a luxury and dominant image in advertising.
Affordable water is not only a problem for developing countries such in India and China. Southern Europe, Israel, the western part of the United States, the Middle East, and areas in Southeast Asia such as Singapore all suffer from scarce water resources (www.redherring.com).
Running your car with water as supplement for gasoline also reflects a deeper conflict between gas, oil and water. Whether water is being considered the “blue oil” or the new source of gas, one thing is important, that we take care of this as a one of our primary source of life. Surely, we do not want to experience what we are experiencing now in the gasoline industry.
We know how difficult it is to battle high prices of commodities. Hopefully water will not be one of them.
Water to Gas: Benefit, No Doubt
So what are we getting out of this system? How do we benefit from it? People using this system claimed that their mileage improved. Studies showed that car mileage can increase from 40 to 60%. Gasoline prices are around $4 to $6 per gallon, it would provide great economic relief if there are ways to save the number of trips that we make to the gasoline station. With the water to gas technology, one quart of water can produce up to 1800 gallons of HHO gas. This HHO gas is used to supplement gasoline, this can last for months.
So how much money is it? Let’s say that we have a car that gets 20 miles per gallon and we run 1500 miles each month. Then we’re consuming 75 gallons of gasoline every month. So if a gallon of gasoline is $4, then we’re paying $3600 every year just for gasoline. Since improvement in car mileage differ base on certain conditions and type of car, let’s just say that we’re experiencing 35% improvement on mileage, that would be $1260 saving on fuel every year.
Also American IRS could not turn a blind eye to alternative fuel anymore. Since 2005, IRS started to give rewards for “green” vehicles, green fuels and green upgrades. To add, the raw materials needed to use this technology is very accessible and affordable. Some water conversion kits would just require ordinary tap water or sophisticated ones will use distilled water. At it is just about 3 cups for 3-6 weeks. Kitchen baking soda is the catalyst used for this system, still very accessible and affordable.
Saving the hard-earned money is not the only benefit that people using water to gas system are getting. With this system, there is said to be noticeable increase in engine power. Since the new fuel mixture burns cleaner, it burns more completely and efficiently. It cleans up carbon deposits in the engine and prevents future carbon build up. This provides longer engine life. People using this system also applaud the easy assembly of their conversion kits.
Some of the conversion kits that water to gas main players are selling, not only includes guide for easy installation. They would also include books that better explains the system and the benefits for using this. For people who are interested in the technology and science behind this system, this is a great buy.
This kind of system is also to be environmental friendly. Since it is only water and oxygen, it is clean burning, thus it produces cleaner emissions. This helps us prevent global warming.
There are numerous benefits one can get from this system. Of course, the amount of money we saved from this system varies. It varies depending on various conditions we and our car are exposed to. But the most important thing is we were able to conserve our finance and even help in conserving our environment.
Water to Gas can Increase Fuel Economy
Here are a few facts to consider.
There is now the technology to make use of water to gas, which is geared towards improving fuel consumption and maximizing mileage per gallon of fuel.
However, there are also very good and practical tips you could follow to increase fuel economy.
Proper maintenance- one of the simplest and best ways to increase fuel efficiency is to make sure you proper maintenance is performed on the vehicle. The most important maintenance you can do is to check the air in your tires. Tire pressure should be kept at its maximum pressure to keep your vehicle from being strained.
The tire pressure should also be balanced between tires.
Another routine maintenance process is checking for oil levels and regular oil change, which can also help since proper lubrication can reduce stress in the engine.
Travel light- better fuel economy also means lightening the load on your vehicle. Hauling heavy equipment, tools, even luggage and other heavy items can strain your vehicle and lower the miles per gallon your vehicle gets. The heavier the car is loaded, the more fuel it takes to burn for the car to compensate for the weight it is carrying.
Only load heavy items when necessary. The next time you get a new vehicle, you may want to look for a car that has a lighter weight, since you’ll automatically get better gas mileage.
Stop and go- braking and accelerating can really drag down gas mileage.
Whenever possible, avoid taking routes with several stops. You can also try slowing down further from potential stops, instead of braking often, especially for stick-shift vehicles, the lower the transmission gear, the higher the fuel consumption.
Optimum speed- each car has an optimum speed power and it usually ranges between 30-60 mph, depending on your car.
The optimum speed is the rate at which your car gets the best gas mileage possible, especially for automatic transmission vehicles. Try to stay as close to this speed as you can, as often as you can.
Although this may take a little more practice, patience, and planning on your part to get into the habit of doing it, but once you get to master it, you can really increase your fuel economy.
Make use of your trip computer- any new vehicle, especially hybrids, are now including a trip computer as part of the package. This is a computer that displays your fuel economy, so you can see the efficiency of your vehicle at any given time.
Although this device alone doesn’t do anything for your gas mileage, it will help you notice when you need to make adjustments and maintenance.
With this you will be more aware of your car and drive more efficiently. If you don’t have a car that has one built in, you can buy one for your current vehicle.
These are just a few of the techniques you may want to consider using to increase your fuel economy, especially with your water to gas system.
These are all simple techniques that any driver can use and while there are plenty of advanced techniques that you can research and use if you’re willing to put in the time, you’ll feel better that you were able to make the most out of your efforts to save money.
Even if water to gas can increase fuel economy, the most important thing you can do is to plan and making that effort can really help you increase your gas mileage.
Water to Gas and Other Effective Gas Saving Devices
With this, there has lately been a significant increase in the number and varieties of gas saving devices being advertised and sold commercially.
While these all work in different ways, their primary objective is quite the same – to make people save money on gas.
While some devices work well and help save fuel costs, there are also those that don’t live up to their claims and can prove harmful to your vehicle.
So before trying to invest good money on these devices, always try to be wary and follow these safe and effective options on the market.
One of the most common and safest alternatives for fuel-saving is the Hydrogen Conversion Kit.
These conversion kits are also called water to gas devices and work primarily as hydrogen generators.
They may come in different names, but they are all generally the same - HHO conversion kit, Brown’s Gas kit, and water to fuel conversion kit, to name a few.
These are the best devices to use to save money on gas.
There are many options for these hydrogen generators like a commercially available pre- made kit or one that can be custom-made, even some can be made at home using simple materials and a good and credible how-to or do-it-yourself guide..
Mostly, pre-made kits are fairly expensive and are only as effective as homemade ones.
You can build a homemade hydrogen generator kit for a fraction of the cost using the simplest of materials commonly found in hardware stores and DIY shops.
Generally, these kits are devices that take water and turn it into fuel for your vehicle.
While you’ll still have to use gas to power your car, you’ll be able to save on fuel cost by at least 30%.
There are even devices that people claimed have doubled their gas mileage with these kits.
There are also several great online guides that will show you exactly how to build your own hydrogen conversion device and install it in your cars.
Next in line are driver alert devices.
Although, these devices actually do not claim to increase fuel economy, but would help motorists make necessary adjustments in the car and real-time driving habits that can increase fuel economy.
These devices are installed in a vehicle to alert the driver of changes that need to be made to their driving, like slowing down or pressing down on the accelerator pedal too hard.
These devices will notify the driver either by lights or sound and will help the driver be more alert about their driving habits that usually consume more fuel if left unchecked or corrected.
Lastly, there are several other types of gas saving products and devices on the market, other than water to gas kits.
Among them are fuel line devices, vapor and air bleed devices, which primarily focus in reducing fuel consumption by introducing air to assist in fuel distribution or maximize fuel consumption and reduce carbon and unburned fuel emissions.
There are also several different types of chemical additives that is mixed either with fuel or motor oil that is primarily towards increasing gas mileage or improving engine lubrication, thus reducing heat to cool the engine and improve fuel consumption.
Unfortunately, many of these devices and products don’t provide a significant increase in gas mileage and are usually expensive.
If one is not careful, some can also cause damage to the vehicle or void warranty.
Before trying out these devices and products, make sure to do plenty of research on the products and always consider the pros and cons.
To sum it all up, hydrogen conversion or water to gas kits offer the best alternatives for the best price, since they don’t cause damage to your vehicle and are completely reversible.
Useful Facts About Water to Gas Systems
Here’s are some facts that will help you decide on buying, installing, and even using the systems.
Fact number one - you don’t need to buy a new car to get better gas mileage.
Water to gas fuel conversion kits can be installed on almost any vehicle, allowing you to practically double the gas mileage of your current vehicle, without having to do major revisions on your current vehicle set-up.
Fact number two - the systems are incredibly affordable and easy to make. You can do the work yourself and build a kit for around $150 to $300, which includes all of the parts you’ll need. This is a much cheaper alternative than buying a hybrid vehicle.
Should you decide on not using the conversion kit anymore, it can easily be removed without damaging the car – it’s completely reversible.
Your car will be exactly the same before the kit was installed and since the kit is not permanent, you don’t have to worry about voiding your car’s warranty.
Fact number three - water to gas conversion kits are very easy to install. It usually only takes less than an hour to completely install and have running. If you don’t know anything about cars, a professional may be able to help you install it.
Fact number four - while some kits and devices require the use of distilled water, there are online guides that show how to build a device that uses plain tap water. This will even save you more money.
Fact number five- surprisingly, these systems require very little maintenance. You could inspect the system once a week and simply add a little water. Every 3-6 weeks you’ll need to add more water and baking soda.
Fact number six - when you install a water fuel conversion kit, gas mileage can be increased by as much as 60%. The results are varied, some vehicles will see increases around 30% and some have even doubled their gas mileage.
Fact number seven - the water fuel kit takes up very little space under the hood. All that’s needed is an about 4 inches by 8 inches, and one that can be easily accessible to the system. This makes it easy for inspection and maintenance.
Fact number eight - by converting your car to run on water, you may qualify for a tax credit under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. See a tax professional to see if you qualify and how much you can get.
Fact number nine- running your car on water will not damage your vehicle at all but will even improve it. It will even make it run better. Several improvements can be seen on your engine, transmission, and other parts of the vehicle. You may also notice faster acceleration.
Fact number ten – not only will you be saving on fuel or earning tax breaks, you will also be helping the environment by making use of water to provide fuel and energy to vehicles.
With the rising cost of fuel and other petroleum products, we can see relief in the emergence of this technology to convert water to gas to fuel cars and the beauty of it all is that, unlike other alternative solutions, this is one that can even prove equally beneficial to the environment.
So make the most out of these useful facts about water to gas systems and make that change.
Scam Alert? Is Water for Gas for Real?
When checking the websites for the main water for gas main players, you will notice that they immediately inform the public that they do not come in already installed systems nor will they install it for you. These websites also immediately disclaim that putting water into gas tanks is not how to do it. What they provide is a simple do it yourself system that comes with guides on how to assemble the system.
Some main players would say that this technology was already known for almost 90 years but was “lost” in the midst of old patents. In Richland, Washington; a blind machinist named Bernie Vinther has invented almost the same technology. He said that the water injector was invented in the 1930’s. Vinther said that by using the water injector, there has been 50% increase in mileage and a 25% jump in horsepower. It produces cleaner emissions in both Vinther’s family old motor home and pick-up.
Meanwhile in Chandler, Arizona, Arizona Hybrid Technologies claims that their product the Mileage Monster, can use water to increase fas mileage up to 45 percent. This is called the hydrogen generator. The hydrogen generator is a $400 equipment can be installed in any type of vehicle. Dan Radacosky, chief operating officer of Arizona Hybrid Technologies said that installing a generator is a cost-efficient way to become fuel-efficient. This is pretty much the same as the electrolyzer present in different water to gas conversion kits. However, several Arizona State University professors where sceptical of this technology since they’re wondering why this recent innovation was not published in any science journal.
In Greenville, South Carolina, WYFF News 4's Tim Waller investigated on the water for gas system and tried to prove if it really improves gas mileage. Waller and Greenville Tech’s Center for Automotive Technology and agreed to install the water for gas conversion kit in a 1990 Buick Century. Based on their study, during the first month that it was installed great changes on car and how it was running was immediately detected. They continued the study for another two- three weeks. And their study discovered that there are no considerable changes in the mileage. They agreed thought that that it is a good concept.
Despite the number of sceptics, there are some who still claims that installing hydrogen generators or water to gas conversion kits are making wonders for their cars and their purses. Each website for the water to gas conversion kits has testimonials on how their products are affecting their lives. But there are individuals who are not posting any comments on these websites but are very well contented. They think that their money is well spent, given the increase of prices of gasoline.
Bottom line is there may be good or bad reviews about these water to gas companies, but any discount or increase in mileage will be a big savings in the end of the year. And any savings are good news especially in a very hard-up situation like today.
How Water to Gas Works
One that has been proven effective to make people save money on gas is a water powered car and it has proven to be effective at increasing your gas mileage.
Sounds preposterous, but this is actually a car that runs on water as well as fuel and surprisingly enough, it can be any gas-fuelled car.
Any vehicle can be converted into a water powered car to save money on gas, improve your engine life, and even benefit the environment.
Here’s how a water powered car works.
First thing you should know is that your car will not run on water alone, make no mistake.
It will use a combination of water and gasoline to power the car. Although you still need to fill up your car, it will happen less often.
The way you use water to increase your fuel economy and reduce fuel consumption is fairly simple.
A water to gas device is installed on your vehicle that breaks water down into its original elements, hydrogen and oxygen.
The device then feeds these elements into the engine with gasoline and creates an effective mixture that increases gas mileage by up to 70%.
This mixture is called HHO (oxyhydrogen) or Brown’s gas and helps maximize fuel combustion, reducing harmful unburned fuel and carbon exhausts.
To make this water to gas process work on your car, you will have an option of buying a pre-made conversion kit and have it professionally installed or learn how to build and install one yourself.
While it may seem like a complicated system, it’s really a simple task to accomplish – not rocket science for first-timers.
Armed with some basic knowledge of cars, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to do it yourself and you could be on your way to saving those dollars on saving gas. You’ll also save a lot of money by doing it yourself and not have to pay for professional service.
Many pre made water to gas conversion kits can be pretty expensive, so is having them installed.
You can buy all of the tools and supplies you need to do it on your own for around $100-$200, depending on the tools and the quality of materials you hope to use. In the long run, this is but a fraction of what you would pay for a commercial system and the money you save on fuel will make up for your expenses in less than a month.
There are a lot of online guides on the Internet and these guides will show you step by step processes on how to build the system.
It will provide you a list of supplies you need and surprisingly, can be easily found at your local hardware store.
These kits can be installed on any vehicle, require very minimal space around 4 inches by 10 inches of free space.
One thing to consider though, is to install it in an easily accessible area where it could be easily accessed for inspection and maintenance.
The concept of a water powered car is more of a reality than many people think and actually, the systems are not complicated and very easy to install.
With just a little money and time, you can run your car on water and save a ton of money on fuel costs, all you need to know is how water to gas works.
How to Make The Most Out of Water to Gas
Isn’t it good to know that cars can now run with water added to the current conventional fuelling process to help motorists save money on gas.
Running cars with water indeed has some very great advantages and it can actually save money.
Here are some basic and welcome developments with this technology.
First, it can practically cut gas bills in half every month, resulting to huge savings.
Another advantage is the effect on the environment, since using water to gas greatly reduces, if not eliminates, dangerous and polluting gas emissions released into the air during the fuel combustion process.
Since water is used, which is a stable and natural substance, water by-products make the air cleaner and safer for everyone to breathe, plus, also helps stop global warming.
But if many think that these are enough reasons to shift to this alternative process, there’s more.
Gasoline is currently the fuel of choice for cars and other vehicles, however, running it purely on gas causes carbon deposits to build up over time from unburned fuel.
Here’s a simple analogy, gasoline as fuel is like a piece of wood. After using the wood for fuel, the by product are ashes, which is primarily carbon. So is the process with internal fuel combustion in engines, where the end products are unburned gas and carbon emissions.
But by substituting water to gas, not only will it clean out the engine and remove these deposits, the engine becomes cleaner each time the car is driven, making it run much smoother and cleaner day by day.
Not only will one be able to notice a difference in the engine immediately since it runs smoothly, another noticeable change is that the engine stays cooler when water is used for fuel, since water is a natural cooling element.
The water will keep engines from overheating, resulting in fewer engine breakdowns and engine heat stress.
Another benefit to the engine is that using water to gas will make the engine run quieter and reduce knocking sounds caused by internal combustion, thus resulting to less vibration and provide less strain on the transmission process.
This will also result to smoother gear shifts and cleaner pistons and valves, resulting to wider torque range and faster acceleration.
In the end, these positive changes to the engine results in fewer operating costs and less repairs.
This is a picture perfect description of what benefits one can reap with using water to gas, however, there could be the worry about the cost of a water fuel conversion kit can have.
With the current fuel saving devices and water for gas kits in the market, this technology has allowed motorists to save on fuel, install the kits in their engines with no negative effects or damage parts of the car, unless it is installed incorrectly or inappropriately.
Most of these water to gas kits can be removed at any time without damaging the car or make any difference, except that it has become a cleaner engine.
So why not try water to gas? In the long run, it’s much cheaper and environmentally-friendly.
Benefits of Converting Water to Gas
One way that the automotive industry is trying to shift away from this is by building hybrid vehicles. The Japanese first introduced this in the US market more than 10 years ago and it is only recently that US makers are trying to do the same thing.
But what are the other benefits of converting water to gas? Since water is clean, you don’t emit carbon monoxide into the air unlike gas or diesel fuels. You can feel proud that you are doing your share to keep the environment clean.
You get tax breaks from the government because this technology allows you to get refunds when you file your income tax.
As a car owner, you will still be able to use the warranty of your vehicle because the systems currently available do not void it in any way.
Just how much savings are we talking about? It depends on the type of vehicle you have and how often you have to be on the road. A ball park figure is 40-80% at the end of each month which translates to more than $1000 per year because you don’t have to fill up the tank every week.
The cost of installing such a system in your vehicle is very affordable. An instruction manual which you can find online will cost you less than $300 while the materials itself are under $250. Putting everything together will take you less than half a day and you don’t have to bring your vehicle to a shop.
Most of the products that allow you to convert water to gas turns ordinary water into HHO or hydroxy which happens to be more potent that gasoline. This increases the mpg or miles per gallon of your vehicle so you can go farther with just a tank of gas and a quart of tap water.
The biggest benefit is that it is safe. It will not cause any damage to your vehicle because it is merely an accessory that enhances the performance of your car’s engine.
Huge savings and environment friendly are the two benefits of converting water to gas technology. This of course is just the beginning because there are no 100% water powered cars yet in the market but you can sure that there are people already working on it so this can finally hit the streets.
Is converting water to gas something new? The answer is no because it has been around for 90 years. Auto makers never really explored it unlike the other industries which have used employed this.
Converting water to gas allows you to use water and gas to run your car. You just have to switch from one to the other similar to the hybrid cars that use gas and electricity since there is a rechargeable battery inside the vehicle.
Thousands of people have enjoyed the benefits of converting water to gas. You can do the same by buying a system and getting a return in your invest in less than 2 months.
Behind the Scene: How Water to Gas Technology Works
Whenever you decide to upgrade to this system and decided to give one of these companies a call, they would never ask you to put water to your gas tank. Nor they will ask you to buy a new car with the water to gas engine. Actually, it’s very simple. You don’t have to change your engine or you car computer.
The water to gas conversion kit comes in with different part that can be easily assembled at home over the weekend. It only requires to use a few basic tools. The conversion kits major parts would be:
Electrolyzer (some call it "Hydrogen Generator"): these would be the containers (quart sized) can contain about 950cc of ordinary tap water or distilled water (based on the requirement of the manufacturer of the conversion kit). It could be glass, metal or plastic containers.
MAP Sensor Enhancer: this electronic device reduces fuel consumption without modifying the engine or the computer
Vaporizer: adds water vapour to the engine to cool it down, improves combustion and fuel economy.
Fuel Heater: pre-heats your gasoline for better gas economy, using only energy from the radiator that gets wasted otherwise, it requires no modifications done to the radiator or its hoses#
PCV Enhancer: another great companion to your hydrogen system that improves the PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) function, protects your engine and saves gas.
Fuse holder + wiring. Connect to the 12 volts.
Vacuum T-connector: helps you splice the vacuum line for feeding the hydrogen and oxygen into the engine.
Catalyst: Ordinary baking soda.
Pure hydrogen is dangerous, especially storing it in large compressed amounts in containers. It can result into explosion, however water does not explode. That is why water to gas conversion kits do not use pure hydrogen. Since hydrogen is already compressed or present in water, it is safely and easily released and consumed. So when HHO is produced, the by-product left is water. No harmful chemicals are being emitted from this system. You just need enough space under the hood to place a quart sized jar to put the water and catalyst. Catalyst is the substance that helps the electricity separate water into HHO. Nothing will happen without this material. This system uses ordinary baking soda, you can easily grab it from the nearest grocery store or from your kitchen cabinet.
Water is converted into HHO gas using electricity from the car’s battery. The quart-sized water jar with a little bit of baking soda is placed under the hood. This device is connected with some fuse holder and wires to the car’s battery. It gets vacuum and electricity from the engine produces the HHO gas. The HHO gas is supplied to the carburaetor. The generator from your battery connects the device via the ignition switch. This prevents hydrogen production when the engine is off and uses less electricity.
Knowing how safe and easy to assemble to water to gas conversion kits provides us a view on an alternative way to save our trips to the pump. But always, it is very important whenever we’ll be using this system or any system at all that will help us economically, to follow the provided instructions and know the product that we’re going to purchase and use.